Copy Sharepoint list items from one site to another programmatically

In my earlier post, I have show you how to Copy items from one list to another, using Sharepoint designer workflow now we learn how to copy list items from one Sharepoint site to another site programmatically

Before executing the code I have created two Sharepoint sites, first is http://fivenumber:5/ and the second http://fivenumber:50/

I have also created custom list in each site, Source List in site http://fivenumber:5/ and Desitination List in http://fivenumber:50/

Here in this scenario I have chosen Console Application template because it doens’t contains any input fields to show as webpart and also to avoid GAC registration, safe controls etc., I felt it will be easy to execute the code in Console.

Download complete source code

Source List

Source List

Copied List Items

Copied List Items

Destination List

Destination List

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

using Microsoft.SharePoint;

namespace CopyListItems
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
                SPSite mySourceSite = new SPSite("http://fivenumber:5/");
                SPWeb mySourceWeb = mySourceSite.OpenWeb();
                SPList mySourceList = mySourceWeb.Lists["Source List"];
                SPQuery mySourceListQuery = new SPQuery();
                mySourceListQuery.Query = "" +
                                "" +
                                "" +
                                "" +
                SPListItemCollection mySourceItemColl = mySourceList.GetItems(mySourceListQuery);
                int count = 0;
                foreach (SPListItem mySourceListItem in mySourceItemColl)
                    string SourceEmpId = mySourceListItem["Employee Id"].ToString();
                    string SourceEmpName = mySourceListItem["Employee Name"].ToString();
                    string SourceDesig = mySourceListItem["Designation"].ToString();
                    string SourceAge = mySourceListItem["Age"].ToString();

                    SPSite myDestinationSite = new SPSite("http://fivenumber:50");
                    SPWeb myDestinationWeb = myDestinationSite.OpenWeb();
                    SPList myDestinationList = myDestinationWeb.Lists["Destination List"];
                    SPListItem myDestinationListItem = myDestinationList.Items.Add();

                    myDestinationListItem["Employee Id"] = SourceEmpId;
                    myDestinationListItem["Employee Name"] = SourceEmpName;
                    myDestinationListItem["Designation"] = SourceDesig;
                    myDestinationListItem["Age"] = SourceAge;
                    myDestinationWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
                    myDestinationWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;
                    Console.WriteLine(count+" item(s) copied");
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Press enter to continue");

If you have Lookup column in your Source List and want to copy the same data in to Destination List, you have to create an instance for SPFieldLookupValue class like below…..

Let’s suppose ‘Employee Name’ column is lookup field, comment or remove the line # 29 in the above code and replace with below code snippet

SPFieldLookupValue mySourceLookupEmpName = new SPFieldLookupValue(mySourceListItem["Employee Name"].ToString());
string SourceEmpName = mySourceLookupEmpName.LookupId.ToString();